What we do

Investigation based on confidential relationships with workers and supply chain expertise are at the heart of the RTDD methodology, providing a parallel, worker-centred auditing model that can enhance customer companies’ due diligence capacity.


The RTDD Foundation and its methodology are based on the success of worker-centred field investigation and research. Building and maintaining trust and relationships with workers is the most crucial element of investigating compliance. The RTDD worker-centred approach reveals the world of the drivers as it really is. It exposes actual and potential risks, their negative impacts on workers, and their root causes. 

The RTDD method has three, interdependent processes:

Minimum standards

working with participating customer companies to ensure their policies, codes of conduct, and supplier and tender policies meet or exceed compliance with applicable legislation and regulations, and international road transport standards.


monitoring the compliance of transport suppliers with the standards, and reporting the findings directly to the respective customer company..


where non-compliance is identified, the customer company engages in a series of agreed escalating remedies with the transport supplier concerned, in consultation with the RTDD Foundation. This process aims to address the root causes of non-compliance, remedy negative impacts, and raise the standards of non-compliant transport suppliers.

The monitoring process carried out by the RTDD Foundation consists of monitoring activities based upon applicable legislation and minimum standards. The Foundation then confidentially reports the findings to the customer company, identifying compliance and non-compliance, and violations and/or systematic issues. In the third phase, remediation is jointly discussed and initiated. The customer company discusses and implements the remediation with the relevant suppliers. 


The RTDD Foundation has multilingual staff who maintain contact with drivers and gather and analyse the information that they share.

The staff interact directly with drivers. These interactions are unannounced and take place on a voluntary basis.

RTDD combines field investigations with desk research, supply chain analysis, and information from a number of other sources. Information and data are aggregated to uncover patterns of compliance and non-compliance, and to give an accurate assessment of standards.